Social Services Funding

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Social Services Funding Social Services Funding is available if the person requiring care has less than £23,250 in savings.

If this is the case, the first step is to ask your local Adult Social Services department to set up a Community Care Assessment. If deemed eligible, t he local authority will choose a budget based on the individual’s care requirements.

The maximum hourly rate varies between authorities, and is unlikely to cover the full hourly cost of a homecare service. However, thanks to a new government initiative, you can now get this payment paid into your bank account and top up the cost of care this way. This route is known as Direct payments, and helps people take greater control of their care.

Visit to learn more about direct payments.

What effect do savings have on fees?

A individual who has savings of more than £23,250 won’t get any assistance. A individual having savings between £14,250 to £23,250 is expected to have £1 of income for every £250 of savings. Expenses such as rent, mortgage, savings and disability expenses are taken into consideration, before looking at the amount left. An individual can be asked to contribute 65% of this towards their care.
