Night Worker Assessments
Night Working hours in the UK are classed as being between 11pm (23.00) and 6am (06.00), although this agreement can be slightly varied between employers and employees [if all parties agree]. A “Night Worker” is classed as someone who works for at least 3 hours during this time-period.
For individuals who have been successful in their application for a new Night Working role, or for existing employees who may be entering into a new Night Working role within the business, we recommend that they respond to a combination of questions by completing both a New Starter Questionnaire [NSQ] and a Night Working Questionnaire [NWQ]. As a new starter, this should be done prior to the individual commencing their new Night Working role.
As there are potential health risks associated with Night Working, in addition to ensuring that an individuals’ physical and psychological health and wellbeing is suitably assessed prior to them commencing a new role, under the Working Time Regulations (1998) employers are advised to ensure that all Night Workers are offered the opportunity to undergo health assessments at regular intervals thereafter, of whatever duration may be appropriate.
The purpose of offering subsequent Night Working health assessments following an initial assessment is to regularly assess your employee’s health and wellbeing, to re-assess their continued fitness to undertake Night Working, and to also determine whether during the course of their employment there are any reasonable adjustments that may be required to assist the individual in their Night Working role.
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) are responsible for the enforcement of health assessments for Night Work, and an annual arrangement is usually recommended. However, a repeat health assessment should be offered sooner if there are any concerns regarding your employee’s fitness to undertake Night Work, or should any changes come to light that may impact upon their ability to safely and effectively perform their Night Working duties; i.e., a change in personal circumstance, the commencement of new medication, or a newly diagnosed condition / health condition.
You should be aware that there is no legal requirement for an employee to accept Night Working health assessments offered, and in this instance it is important that you keep a record of dates when health assessments were offered, and clear log that shows your employee has declined to engage.
In the event that an employee does not wish to engage in a Night Working health assessment, as an employer, in line with your own internal risk assessments, and policies and procedures, you will need to determine whether they are, or whether they remain suitably fit to undertake what is required of them under their contract of employment.
The initial NSQ and NWQ assessment outcome report/s however will ensure that you have a baseline report with relevant information regarding any identified issues, or not; and therefore, this can be particularly helpful should any problems arise after an individual commences their employment in their new Night Working role.
At TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing, all initial and any subsequent NWQs are triaged, and assessed by a highly skilled and experienced OH Clinician. There are typically two types of assessment for night workers:
Paper screen assessment – this is where the individuals’ initial, and any subsequent NWQ’s will be reviewed by an OH clinician. Upon satisfactory review from the information provided, the relevant business representative [i.e., a named HR representative / recruiting manager] will be advised accordingly in the form of a “NWQ outcome report”. The report will indicate whether the individual is deemed fit, or continues to remain fit for Night Working, with or without the requirement for reasonable adjustments.
Paper screen with follow up assessment – Following the initial, or subsequent NWQ paper screen assessment process, there may be occasions where the OH Clinician will need to make contact with the individual directly to obtain further information before they are able to make a determination on fitness for Night Working, and on any advice regarding any reasonable adjustments. This is usually via a telephone / video consultation with the individual; however there may be times when a face to face appointment may be recommended.
Please be aware that at TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing, we would always seek to undertake a follow up call if a candidate / employee discloses a health condition, and / or changes to a previously disclosed health condition, and / or details regarding any medication they take, or changes to any medication that have been prescribed, and / or details regarding a neuro-divergent condition etc. This is to determine any dates of diagnosis, whether a disclosed condition is adequately and effectively managed, to consider any side effects of medication / treatment etc., and to ensure that as an employer, you are being advised accordingly.
Once all relevant information has been obtained, the relevant business representative [i.e., a named HR representative / recruiting manager] will be advised accordingly in the form of a “NWQ outcome report”. The report will indicate whether the individual is deemed fit, or continues to remain fit for Night Working, with or without the requirement for reasonable adjustments.
There may be occasions where during the NWQ assessment process, the individual discloses additional information relating to a condition / health condition, or medication, or multiple conditions, or informs of significant changes that will require a more thorough and detailed OH assessment; in this instance, you will be notified, and advised accordingly.
If you would like further information or advise on Night Worker assessments, or should you have any queries or concerns relating to fitness for duties, please do not hesitate to contact us using the enquires tab / contact details below.
Please note: whether a new employee or an existing employee, if at any point there are any concerns regarding the Health, Safety, and Wellbeing of an employee at work, or there are concerns regarding their fitness to safely and effectively undertake their contracted hours / duties, we can provide prompt bespoke advice and guidance on any next steps that you may need to consider; therefore, please do not hesitate to get in touch.