

TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing

TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing uses personal information to allow us to advise and support the individual and the employer in accordance with any requirements, and in line with the consent that is provided.

TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing is committed to maintaining the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of individuals at all times. We adhere to the principles of Data Protection Regulation and Legislation, and to the principles of our regulatory bodies – the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct, and the General Medical Council (GMC).

The services provided by TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing are clinically and medically confidential. Clinical notes, and medical records are securely stored in line with data protection legislation and are only accessible to TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing staff.

All staff adhere to a strict code of ethics in relation to the confidentiality of all consultations, telephone contact, and the maintenance and management of clinical and medical records.

Any information obtained by Occupational Health Staff is strictly confidential to Occupational Health, and no information is divulged to any third party, including the individual’s general practitioner (GP) without the individual’s informed and explicit consent.

There may however be circumstances that, as Registered Occupational Health Nurses, Doctors, and health professionals we may need to over-ride our duty of confidentiality, if it is deemed necessary to protect the best interests of the individual, and / or the best interests of the public.

I.e., if information disclosed by an individual suggests that they may be at risk of harm, or if the individual is posing a risk of causing harm to somebody else, the Occupational Health Clinician will have a statutory duty to consider whether this information may need to be shared with other professionals, or agencies.

In this instance, any 3rd party disclosure will always be discussed with the individual in the first instance.