The Role of Occupational Health

There are many facets to Occupational Health, with Wellbeing being an intrinsic and vital component – essentially;

Occupational Health – is a specialist branch of medicine that looks at the effects of work on health, and that of health on work. Occupational Health seeks to promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of employees in all occupations, with the focus being the prevention of work-related ill-health.

Wellbeing is at the core of individual wellbeing, and so this aspect is a vital component to Occupational Health. While wellbeing is more personal and subjective, it is also universally relevant. Wellbeing encompasses the employee’s views and beliefs, environmental factors that affect them, and considers the experiences individuals have had throughout their lives that in turn may influence human behaviour, and choices. Wellbeing strategies are about encompassing the individual, the work environment, the culture and interpersonal relationships.

This training and awareness session is about raising awareness, and educating your teams on the role of Occupational Health, and to provide advice, guidance, and practical tips to enable your teams to make informed decisions about when to engage the services of Occupational Health. This session includes:

  • An overview on the role of Occupational Health
  • What we do, how we do it, and why we do it
  • Exploring why Wellbeing is a vital component to Occupational Health
  • When to engage the services of Occupational Health
  • The Occupational Health relationship with other allied health professionals
  • Understanding roles and responsibilities
  • Training and awareness on understanding the employers / manager’s / HR’s responsibility regarding obtaining employee consent to engage in the Occupational Health process, and for the submission of their personal information
  • Training and awareness on understanding the Occupational Health Clinician’s responsibility regarding obtaining employee consent to release information back to the employer / referrer
  • Understanding boundaries in Occupational Health
  • Myth Busting

If you would like to arrange a discussion to explore how we can assist your businesses’ leaders and HR personnel in fully understanding the role of Occupational Health, and how we can assist them in effectively supporting and managing their teams, then please do get in touch.

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