Musculoskeletal Referrals

With musculoskeletal problems being the second most common work-related illness in the UK, for any employee experiencing musculoskeletal problems, regardless of the underlying cause it is essential that advice and guidance is sought as soon as possible. This may be particularly important if the employee is relied upon to undertake heavy manual / safety critical work, but equally important for those who, for example, undertake more static and repetitive duties, or more sedentary office based duties.  

In addition to the OH assessment focusing on the employee’s functional ability, and on any necessary workplace adjustments / restrictions etc., at TJM Occupational Health and Wellbeing, we also ensure that pain and discomfort that is often associated with musculoskeletal complaints is carefully considered. This aspect of managing musculoskeletal problems can be particularly problematic, especially if the situation has become protracted, or chronic.  

Evidence has suggested that a biopsychosocial assessment for the musculoskeletal-therapeutic management of individuals experiencing chronic pain helps to understand and explain the predominant mechanism of pain, and any psychosocial factors that may or may not be modified in order to assist the employee in better managing, and improving their condition. With this in mind, the employee may be asked to engage in a biopsychosocial screening assessment during their appointment.  

In seeking specialist OH advice and guidance at an early stage, this will ensure that the employee is advised accordingly, and that their circumstances, and musculoskeletal and workplace ergonomic needs are fully assessed in order to determine whether a workplace ergonomic / DSE assessment is required.   

If you and / or your employee feel that current provision is not effective in addressing any issue that has arisen, a referral to OH is strongly advised.  

If an employee has reported sick due to a musculoskeletal health issue, at day 1 of the absence commencing, a referral to OH is strongly advised. 

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