Biopsychosocial Screening Assessments
The mental health and wellbeing of employees is just as paramount as their physical wellbeing. There are a multitude of factors that can impact upon an individual’s mental well-being, and it has become increasingly clear that mind, body, and environment [including the working environment] act together with each component having the ability to impact upon the other.
The three domains involved in a biopsychosocial screening assessment are biology, psychology, and socio-cultural influences. The extent of how each is explored may vary, depending on the circumstances, however when an employee presents with psychological ill heath, initial biopsychosocial screening assessments are common place amongst health professionals. It may be that following an initial assessment, more specialist input is required.
Biological Factors – genes, physiology, chemistry, and neurology are among the components that may determine biological factors. There will be questions about diet, sleeping habits, medication, and family history to name a few that are typically related to biological aspects.
Psychological Factors – an individual’s personality, their thoughts, their beliefs, and consequent emotions and behaviours are among the components that assist in determining psychological factors. The assessment will typically consider cognitive function, coping skills, motivation, and mood for example.
Social / Cultural factors – this will typically consider how an individual’s behaviour, emotions, and thoughts are influenced by social factors, and beliefs. This may include a description regarding family dynamics and relationships, financial stability, educational background, and learnt behaviours.
Unlike a standalone psychological or medical assessment which tends to focus more on one area than others, a biopsychosocial screening assessment takes a more holistic approach taking into account the biological, social and cultural, and psychological components of an individual’s life. This in turn assists in determining a possible root cause of their problems, as well as identifying any barriers, and enablers in implementing a course of positive change.
If you have any concerns regarding the health and wellbeing of your employee, please do not hesitate to get in touch; we can provide both you and your employee appropriate advice and guidance on managing the situation safely and effectively.